My role as a counsellor and psychotherapist in Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, and online is not just to help clients on a one-to-one basis but also educate managers and employees on the importance of looking after one’s mental health, and the potential pitfalls of not doing so.
Having this increased awareness doesn’t just precipitate a happier workplace environment; it also boosts productivity and the rate of employee retention, as well as reducing the amount of sick leave – all of which leads to managers and directors saving money and enjoying an improved return from their workforce. To learn more about how I work with groups in the corporate sector, feel free to get in touch with me or simply keep reading.
Business owners can get in touch with me by phone or email to arrange a presentation, delivered either in person or online. If there is a particular issue you would like me to speak about, this is your chance to let me know. I will then walk you through what to expect from the presentation, ahead of agreeing on pricing and a suitable time.
In my presentation at your business, which can be delivered to groups of all sizes, I will discuss the key elements of mental health, exploring how everyone is different and has their own challenges in response to stress. We will look at the different issues encountered by people in the corporate world, such as addiction, depression, burnout, and anxiety, and learn how I work with these issues and help individuals manage them.
After the presentation, managers and employees should have an increased awareness of the prevalence of various mental health issues in their workplace, why they behave in certain ways, and how they can be addressed in a compassionate, curious way. Individuals will have a clearer understanding of what mental health issues look like and how they influence performance at work. They are then available to get in touch with me privately for an initial assessment session.
For information on pricing, initial assessment sessions, and how I work as a counsellor and psychotherapist in Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, and online, please go back to my Home page.
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